Bouquet: Sonata for Flute and Piano (Open-ended commission)

In 2019, a consortium of flutists commissioned me to write a sonata for Flute and Piano called Bouquet. Catherine Boyack, the lead commissioner, hatched the idea of creating miniatures/movements based on her favorite flowers. What a fun idea!

And indeed it was.

For the initial commission, I wrote three: "Queen of the Night Tulip," "Indian Paintbrush," and "Mountain Bluebells."

But Catherine and I agreed that there were more flowers to add to the Bouquet. 

And so Bouquet is officially an "open-ended commission," meaning that 1) anyone can commission an additional flower-movement any time and 2) that everyone who has participated previously (as commissioners) will receive the additional movements at no additional cost. From there, they can make bouquets however they like in performance, choosing which movements to perform, in which order, and which to omit.

See the current bouquet here.

If you're interested in adding a flower or two to the bouquet, contact me

—Andrew Maxfield